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-n't not (a contracted form used with certain verbs).
-nomy system of laws for or sum of knowledge about a particular field.
-tomy an act of cutting or dividing, esp. in surgery.
atom an invisible component of any element, consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, once considered the smallest possible unit of matter. [2 definitions]
bottom the lowest or deepest point of something. [11 definitions]
centimo a monetary unit of Andorra, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Sao Tome and Principe, and Venezuela. Formerly, it was also the smaller monetary unit of Spain.
deem to consider, suppose, or judge. [2 definitions]
demo something that shows how something works or how something can be used. [2 definitions]
entomb to bury or put in a tomb. [2 definitions]
entomo- insect.
item a separate, particular thing among a group or list of things. [2 definitions]
nates the buttocks, or a similar part in certain nonhuman organisms.
NATO abbreviation of "North Atlantic Treaty Organization."
neat orderly in appearance, state, or habits; tidy. [6 definitions]
neaten to make neat; put in order (often fol. by "up").
need a requirement, necessity, or obligation. [10 definitions]
needs of necessity; necessarily (usu. fol. or prec. by "must").
needy in need, usu. of physical necessities, but sometimes of affection or other forms of emotional sustenance.
net1 a meshlike fabric made of cotton, silk, or other material that is woven or tied together in knots. [6 definitions]
net2 available after expenses and deductions have been subtracted. [5 definitions]